Tuesday, 30 June 2009

New terrain

Been quiet a bit since the great Belial Conversion. I finally decided to do a bit more and make some terrain craters for the new battleboard.

The crater technique I found somewhere (Prob TMG or Terragenesis).
And this page has some nice arid colour advice.

So we start out with the materials:

Tinfoil cake/mini pie forms, plaster, sand, some old cd's and the inevitable woodglue.

I cut off the thick edge of the tinfoil, formed a crater like shape (helps to form it over a round form to get the crater depth right) and then fill it with plaster to give it solidity. Wait for it to dry. Zzzzz...

Glue it on to an old cd, cover the edges with some woodlgue/sand paste so the crater edges form nice and smooth against the cd. Wait it for it dry... more zzzzzzz.

Spraypaint it black.

And use some paint colour advice from the above mentioned pages. Basically a lot of drybrushing various shades of brown and yellow for the sand, grey and white for the crater itself.

1 comment:

  1. Coolio! Can't wait to use the new terrain.. My sisters haven't forgotten their last pounding.
